সমললৈ যাওক

সাঁচ:Expand acronym

অসমীয়া ৱিকিপিডিয়াৰ পৰা
(সাঁচ:Full versionৰ পৰা পুনঃনিৰ্দেশিত)

[expand acronym]

This inline tag is for placement after an acronym or abbreviation that is not written in full at first occurrence. The Manual of Style requires all acronyms or abbreviations written in full, followed by the abbreviated form in round brackets. An exception is made for abbreviations that are as well-known or better known than their full name, such as "PhD" and "DNA", for which is it unnecessary to supply the full name on first occurrence.

This inline template is placed after any abbreviation or acronym in question. For example:

A set of rules apply to the various locations of the college, such as the Dining Hall and JCR{{Expand acronym}} to ensure standards of dress and manners are upheld.

results in:

A set of rules apply to the various locations of the college, such as the Dining Hall and JCR[expand acronym] to ensure standards of dress and manners are upheld.

None at present.

Parameter Explanation
|date= This template allows an optional date parameter that records when the tag was added. One can specify the date manually, for example, to date the tag in the current month, enter {{Expand acronym|date=February 2025}}. If no date is added manually, a bot will automatically fill in the gap.

Alternatives and redirects

[সম্পাদনা কৰক]

The alternative {{full version}} redirects to this template.