Volga River (Example) |
 Volga in Yaroslavl (autumn morning) |
উৎস |
Valdai Hills |
মোহনা |
Caspian Sea |
দেশৰ মাজেৰে প্ৰবাহমান |
Russia |
অৱস্থান |
Astrakhan, Volgograd, Saratov, Samara, Kazan, Ulyanovsk, Nizhny Novgorod, Yaroslavl, Tver |
দৈৰ্ঘ্য |
approx. 3,692 km (2,294 মাইল) |
উৎসৰ উচ্চতা |
225 মিটাৰ (738 ফুট) |
মোহনাৰ উচ্চতা |
−28 মিটাৰ (−91.9 ফুট) |
গড় পানী প্ৰবাহ |
Annual average:
- 8,000 m3/s (2,80,000 cu ft/s)
- 9,000 m3/s (3,20,000 cu ft/s)
- 7,000 m3/s (2,50,000 cu ft/s)
অববাহিকাৰ ক্ষেত্ৰফল |
13,80,000 বৰ্গ কি.মি. (1.38×1012 বৰ্গ মিটাৰ) |
বাওঁফালৰ উপনদী |
Kama River |
সোঁফালৰ উপনদী |
Oka River |
This template is part of the Rivers WikiProject.
- All parameters are optional.
- No caption will be shown if there is no image.
- The default image size is 288 px
- Unit conversions can either be entered directly or done automatically.
- See below for details on automatic conversion parameters.
- {{Convert}} can be used for directly entered conversions.
- Where imperial/US customary are auto-converted, these units will be displayed first.
- Please refer to WP:UNITS to decide which units should be put first.
- There are two different types of parameter.
- Auto-conversion parameters require a numerical input (without commas).
- Other parameters will accept any normal wikitext including links.
- Details are noted in the pale green Details boxes below.
- Copy the appropriate syntax block if you prefer to cut and paste into an empty template.
- Include the HTML comments before and following the template; they help inexperienced editors.
- Please spend some time at the Rivers WikiProject article and its talk page for standards on presenting names and other data.
- The
parameter (not needed on the Volga examples below) can be seen in use on River Penk, and is to describe the path (in that case: Sow—Trent—Humber—North Sea) taken by the waters of a river which is a tributary of one or more other rivers, and does not empty directly into a sea or lake.
<!-- The following few lines create the "Infobox" table template.
Please scroll down to edit the main content of the article. -->
{{Infobox river
| name =
| image_name =
| image_size =
| image_alt =
| caption =
| image_map =
| map_size =
| map_alt =
| map_caption =
| origin =
| mouth =
| progression =
| basin_countries =
| location =
| length =
| elevation =
| mouth_elevation =
| discharge =
| watershed =
| river_system =
| left_tribs =
| right_tribs =
<!-- End Infobox template table -->
<!-- The following few lines create the "Infobox" table template.
Please scroll down to edit the main content of the article. -->
{{Infobox river
| name = NAME
| image_name = IMAGE_FILE_NAME
| image_size =
| image_alt =
| caption = CAPTION
| image_map = MAP_FILE_NAME
| map_size =
| map_alt =
| map_caption = MAP_CAPTION
| origin = ORIGIN
| mouth = MOUTH
| progression = ROUTE TO THE SEA
| basin_countries = BASIN_COUNTRIES
| location =
| length = KILOMETERS km (MILES mi)
| elevation = METERS m (FEET ft)
| mouth_elevation = METERS m (FEET ft)
| discharge = CUBIC METERS m³/s (CUBIC FEET cu ft/s)
| watershed = SQUARE KILOMETERS km² (SQUARE MILES sq mi)
| river_system = RIVER SYSTEM
| left_tribs = LEFT TRIBUTARIES
| right_tribs = RIGHT TRIBUTARIES
<!-- End Infobox template table -->
<!-- The following few lines create the "Infobox" table template.
Please scroll down to edit the main content of the article. -->
{{Infobox river
| name = Volga River (Example)
| image_name = Russia_River_Volga.jpg
| image_alt = Volga River
| caption = Volga in [[Yaroslavl]] (autumn morning)
| origin = [[Valdai Hills]]
| mouth = [[Caspian Sea]]
| basin_countries = [[Russia]]
| location = [[Astrakhan]], [[Volgograd]], [[Saratov]],
[[Samara, Russia|Samara]], [[Kazan]], [[Ulyanovsk]],
[[Nizhny Novgorod]], [[Yaroslavl]], [[Tver]]
| length = approx. {{convert|3692|km|abbr=on}}
| elevation = {{convert|225|m|abbr=on}}
| mouth_elevation = {{convert|-28|m|abbr=on}}
| discharge = Annual average:
| watershed = {{convert|1380000|km2|abbr=on}}
| river_system =
| left_tribs = [[Kama River]]
| right_tribs = [[Oka River]]
Automatic conversion from SI to imperial/US customary
[সম্পাদনা কৰক]
- Note
- The SI measurement will be displayed first.
<!-- The following few lines create the "Infobox" table template.
Please scroll down to edit the main content of the article. -->
{{Infobox river
| name =
| image_name =
| image_alt =
| caption =
| image_map =
| map_alt =
| map_caption =
| origin =
| mouth =
| progression =
| basin_countries =
| location =
| length_km =
| length =
| elevation_m =
| elevation =
| mouth_elevation_m =
| mouth_elevation =
| discharge_m3/s =
| discharge =
| watershed_km2 =
| watershed =
| river_system =
| left_tribs =
| right_tribs =
<!-- End Infobox template table -->
<!-- The following few lines create the "Infobox" table template.
Please scroll down to edit the main content of the article. -->
{{Infobox river
| name = NAME
| image_name = IMAGE_FILE_NAME
| image_alt =
| caption = IMAGE CAPTION
| image_map = MAP_FILE_NAME
| map_alt =
| map_caption = MAP CAPTION
| origin = ORIGIN
| mouth = MOUTH
| progression = ROUTE TO THE SEA
| location =
| basin_countries = BASIN_COUNTRIES
| length_km = KILOMETERS <!-- must be a numerical expression -->
| elevation_m = METERS <!-- must be a numerical expression -->
| mouth_elevation_m = METERS <!-- must be a numerical expression -->
| mouth_elevation = REFERENCES/DETAILS
| discharge_m3/s = CUBIC METERS <!-- must be a numerical expression -->
| watershed_km2 = SQUARE KILOMETERS <!-- must be a numerical expression -->
| river_system = REFERENCES/DETAILS
| right_tribs = REFERENCES/DETAILS
<!-- End Infobox template table -->
<!-- The following few lines create the "Infobox" table template.
Please scroll down to edit the main content of the article. -->
{{Infobox river
| name = Volga River (Example)
| image_name = Russia_River_Volga.jpg
| image_alt = Volga River
| caption = Volga in [[Yaroslavl]] (autumn morning)
| origin = [[Valdai Hills]]
| mouth = [[Caspian Sea]]
| basin_countries = [[Russia]]
| length_km = 3692
| length = <ref name=volga>[www.volga.com Volga]</ref>
| elevation_m = 225
| elevation = above sea level
| mouth_elevation_m = -28
| mouth_elevation = below sea level
| discharge_m3/s = 8000
| discharge = <ref name=volga/>
| watershed_km2 = 1380000
| watershed =
| river_system =
| left_tribs = [[Kama River]]
| right_tribs = [[Oka River]]
Automatic conversion from imperial/US customary to SI
[সম্পাদনা কৰক]
- Note
- The imperial/US customary measurement will be displayed first.
<!-- The following few lines create the "Infobox" table template.
Please scroll down to edit the main content of the article. -->
{{Infobox river
| name =
| image_name =
| image_alt =
| caption =
| image_map =
| map_alt =
| map_caption =
| origin =
| mouth =
| progression =
| basin_countries =
| location =
| length_mi =
| length =
| elevation_ft =
| elevation =
| mouth_elevation_ft =
| mouth_elevation =
| discharge_cuft/s =
| discharge =
| watershed_sqmi =
| watershed =
| river_system =
| left_tribs =
| right_tribs =
<!-- End Infobox template table -->
<!-- The following few lines create the "Infobox" table template.
Please scroll down to edit the main content of the article. -->
{{Infobox river
| name = NAME
| image_name = IMAGE_FILE_NAME
| image_alt =
| caption = CAPTION
| image_map = MAP_FILE_NAME
| map_alt =
| map_caption = MAP CAPTION
| origin = ORIGIN
| mouth = MOUTH
| progression = ROUTE TO THE SEA
| basin_countries = BASIN_COUNTRIES
| location =
| length_mi = MILES <!-- must be a numerical expression -->
| elevation_ft = FEET <!-- must be a numerical expression -->
| mouth_elevation_ft = FEET <!-- must be a numerical expression -->
| mouth_elevation = REFERENCES/DETAILS
| discharge_cuft/s = CUBIC FEET <!-- must be a numerical expression -->
| watershed_sqmi = SQUARE MILES <!-- must be a numerical expression -->
| river_system = REFERENCES/DETAILS
| right_tribs = REFERENCES/DETAILS
<!-- End Infobox template table -->
<!-- The following few lines create the "Infobox" table template.
Please scroll down to edit the main content of the article. -->
{{Infobox river
| name = Volga River (Example)
| image_name = Russia_River_Volga.jpg
| image_alt = Volga River
| caption = Volga in [[Yaroslavl]] (autumn morning)
| origin = [[Valdai Hills]]
| mouth = [[Caspian Sea]]
| basin_countries = [[Russia]]
| length_mi = 2294
| length = <ref name=volga>[www.volga.com Volga]</ref>
| elevation_ft = 738
| elevation = above sea level
| mouth_elevation_ft = -92
| mouth_elevation = below sea level
| discharge_cuft/s = 280000
| discharge = <ref name=volga/>
| watershed_sqmi = 530000
| watershed =
| river_system =
| left_tribs = [[Kama River]]
| right_tribs = [[Oka River]]
- Note
- The SI measurement will be displayed first.
<!-- The following few lines create the "Infobox" table template.
Please scroll down to edit the main content of the article. -->
{{Infobox river
| name =
| image_name =
| image_alt =
| caption =
| image_map =
| map_alt =
| map_caption =
| origin =
| mouth =
| progression =
| basin_countries =
| location =
| length_km =
| length_mi =
| length =
| elevation_m =
| elevation_ft =
| elevation =
| mouth_elevation_m =
| mouth_elevation_ft =
| mouth_elevation =
| discharge_m3/s =
| discharge_cuft/s =
| discharge =
| watershed_km2 =
| watershed_sqmi =
| watershed =
| river_system =
| left_tribs =
| right_tribs =
<!-- End Infobox template table -->
<!-- The following few lines create the "Infobox" table template.
Please scroll down to edit the main content of the article. -->
{{Infobox river
| name = NAME
| image_name = IMAGE_FILE_NAME
| image_alt =
| caption = CAPTION
| image_map = MAP_FILE_NAME
| map_alt =
| map_caption = MAP CAPTION
| origin = ORIGIN
| mouth = MOUTH
| progression = ROUTE TO THE SEA
| basin_countries = BASIN_COUNTRIES
| location =
| length_km = KILOMETERS
| length_mi = MILES
| elevation_m = METERS
| elevation_ft = FEET
| mouth_elevation_m = METERS
| mouth_elevation_ft = FEET
| mouth_elevation = REFERENCES/DETAILS
| discharge_m3/s = CUBIC METERS
| discharge_cuft/s = CUBIC FEET
| watershed_km2 = SQUARE KILOMETERS
| watershed_sqmi = SQUARE MILES
| river_system = REFERENCES/DETAILS
| right_tribs = REFERENCES/DETAILS
<!-- End Infobox template table -->
<!-- The following few lines create the "Infobox" table template.
Please scroll down to edit the main content of the article. -->
{{Infobox river
| name = Volga River (Example)
| image_name = Russia_River_Volga.jpg
| image_alt =
| caption = Volga in [[Yaroslavl]] (autumn morning)
| origin = [[Valdai Hills]]
| mouth = [[Caspian Sea]]
| basin_countries = [[Russia]]
| length_km = 3692
| length_mi = 2294
| length = <ref name=volga>[www.volga.com Volga]</ref>
| elevation_m = 225
| elevation_ft = 738
| elevation = above sea level
| mouth_elevation_m = -28
| mouth_elevation_ft = -92
| mouth_elevation = below sea level
| discharge_m3/s = 8000
| discharge_cuft/s = 280000
| discharge = <ref name=volga/>
| watershed_km2 = 1380000
| watershed_sqmi = 530000
| watershed =
| river_system =
| left_tribs = [[Kama River]]
| right_tribs = [[Oka River]]