Module:Pages with authority control identifiers
Documentation for this module may be created at Module:Pages with authority control identifiers/doc
require('Module:No globals')
local p = {}
local ac_conf = require('Module:Authority control').conf
local rmCats = require('Module:Suppress categories').main
local currentTitle = mw.title.getCurrentTitle()
local title = currentTitle.text
--[[ Local Utility Functions ]]
local function whichTOC( frame )
-- standardize TOC behavior via {{CatAutoTOC}}
return frame:expandTemplate{ title = 'CatAutoTOC', args = { align = 'center' } }
local function redCatCheck( cat ) --cat == 'Blah' (not 'Category:Blah', '[[Category:Blah]]', etc.)
if cat and cat ~= '' and, 14).exists == false then
return '[[Category:Pages with authority control identifiers red-linked category]]'
return ''
local function addCat( cat, id )
if id and id ~= '' then
return '[[Category:''|'']]'..redCatCheck(cat)
return '[[Category:'']]'..redCatCheck(cat)
local function getExample(conf, id)
if id == 'WORLDCATID' then
return '[ WorldCat]'
return rmCats(conf[3](conf[5]))
--[[ Local Category-Specific Functions ]]
--For indirect use on [[Category:<catType> with multiple identifiers]],
-- i.e. on [[Category:Articles with multiple identifiers]]
local function multiple( frame, catType, pre, post )
local txCatMore = frame:expandTemplate{ title = 'Cat more', args = { 'Wikipedia:Authority control' } }
local txEmptyCat = frame:expandTemplate{ title = 'Possibly empty category' }
local txWPCat = frame:expandTemplate{ title = 'Wikipedia category', args = { hidden = 'yes', tracking = 'yes' } }
local txQ = frame:expandTemplate{ title = 'Q', args = { 'Q7245' } }
local txWdpl1 = frame:expandTemplate{ title = 'Wikidata property link', args = { 'P213' } }
local txWdpl2 = frame:expandTemplate{ title = 'Wikidata property link', args = { 'P244' } }
local txTOC = whichTOC( frame )
local ex = 'For example, '..txQ..' contains multiple IDs for '..txWdpl1..', '..txWdpl2..', etc.<br/>'
local only = 'Pages in this category should only be added by [[Module:Authority control]].'
if catType and catType == 'pages' then
txEmptyCat = ''
txWPCat = frame:expandTemplate{ title = 'Wikipedia category' }
ex = ''
only = ''
local outString = txCatMore..txEmptyCat..txWPCat..txTOC..'\n'..ex..only
return (pre or '')..outString..(post or '')
--For use in [[Category:Pages with authority control information]],
-- i.e. on [[Category:Pages with VIAF identifiers]]
local function pages( frame, id )
if id == 'multiple' then
local pagesCat = 'Pages with authority control information'
local pagesCatFull = addCat(pagesCat)
return multiple( frame, 'pages', '', pagesCatFull )
for _, conf in pairs( ac_conf ) do
if conf.category == id or conf[1] == id then
local linktarget = or conf[1]..' (identifier)'
local wdpl = ':d:Property:P'..conf[2]
local txCatMore = frame:expandTemplate{ title = 'Cat more', args = {'Wikipedia:Authority control', linktarget, wdpl} }
local txWPCat = frame:expandTemplate{ title = 'Wikipedia category' }
local pagesCat = 'Pages with authority control information'
local outString = txCatMore..txWPCat..'\n'..addCat(pagesCat, id)
return outString
return ''
--For use in [[Category:Miscellaneous pages with authority control information]],
-- i.e. on [[Category:Miscellaneous pages with VIAF identifiers]]
local function misc( frame, id )
if id == 'multiple' then
local link = id
local txCatExplain = frame:expandTemplate{ title = 'Category explanation',
args = { 'pages, other than main user pages or Wikipedia articles, using {{[[Template:Authority control|Authority control]]}} with '' identifiers.' } }
local idCat = 'Pages with '' identifiers'
local miscCat = 'Miscellaneous pages with authority control information'
local idCatFull = addCat(idCat)
local miscCatFull = addCat(miscCat, id)
return multiple( frame, 'misc', txCatExplain, idCatFull..miscCatFull )
for _, conf in pairs( ac_conf ) do
if conf.category == id or conf[1] == id then
local linktarget = or conf[1]..' (identifier)'
local link = '[['..linktarget..'|'..conf[1]..']]'
local example = 'The '..conf[1]..' identifier appears as '..getExample(conf,id)..' in the '..conf[4]..' section.'
local wdpl = ':d:Property:P'..conf[2]
local txCatExplain = frame:expandTemplate{ title = 'Category explanation',
args = { 'pages, other than main user pages or Wikipedia articles, using {{[[Template:Authority control|Authority control]]}} with '' identifiers. '..example } }
local txCatMore = frame:expandTemplate{ title = 'Cat more', args = {'Wikipedia:Authority control', wdpl} }
local txEmptyCat = frame:expandTemplate{ title = 'Possibly empty category' }
local txWPCat = frame:expandTemplate{ title = 'Wikipedia category', args = { hidden = 'yes', tracking = 'yes' } }
local txTOC = whichTOC( frame )
local idCat = 'Pages with '' identifiers'
local miscCat = 'Miscellaneous pages with authority control information'
local outString = txCatExplain..txCatMore..txEmptyCat..txWPCat..txTOC..'\n'..
'Pages in this category should only be added by [[Module:Authority control]].'..
addCat(idCat)..addCat(miscCat, id)
return outString
return ''
--For use in [[Category:User pages with authority control information]],
-- i.e. on [[Category:User pages with VIAF identifiers]]
local function user( frame, id )
if id == 'multiple' then
local idCat = 'Pages with '' identifiers'
local userCat = 'User pages with authority control information'
local idCatFull = addCat(idCat)
local userCatFull = addCat(userCat, id)
return multiple( frame, 'user', '', idCatFull..userCatFull )
for _, conf in pairs( ac_conf ) do
if conf.category == id or conf[1] == id then
local linktarget = or conf[1]..' (identifier)'
local wdpl = ':d:Property:P'..conf[2]
local txCatMore = frame:expandTemplate{ title = 'Cat more', args = {'Wikipedia:Authority control', linktarget, wdpl} }
local txEmptyCat = frame:expandTemplate{ title = 'Possibly empty category' }
local txWPCat = frame:expandTemplate{ title = 'Wikipedia category', args = { hidden = 'yes', tracking = 'yes' } }
local txTOC = whichTOC( frame )
local idCat = 'Pages with '' identifiers'
local userCat = 'User pages with authority control information'
local outString = txCatMore..txEmptyCat..txWPCat..txTOC..'\n'..
'Pages in this category should only be added by [[Module:Authority control]].'..
addCat(idCat)..addCat(userCat, id)
return outString
return ''
--For use in [[Category:Articles with authority control information]],
-- i.e. on [[Category:Articles with VIAF identifiers]]
local function wp( frame, id )
if id == 'multiple' then
local link = id
local txCatExplain = frame:expandTemplate{ title = 'Category explanation', args = {'articles with '' identifiers. Please do not add [[Wikipedia:Categorization#Subcategorization|subcategories]].'} }
local idCat = 'Pages with '' identifiers'
local wpCat = 'Articles with authority control information'
local idCatFull = addCat(idCat)
local wpCatFull = addCat(wpCat, id)
return multiple( frame, 'wp', txCatExplain, idCatFull..wpCatFull )
for _, conf in pairs( ac_conf ) do
if conf.category == id or conf[1] == id then
local linktarget = or conf[1]..' (identifier)'
local link = '[['..linktarget..'|'..conf[1]..']]'
local wdpl = ':d:Property:P'..conf[2]
local example = 'The '..conf[1]..' identifier appears as '..getExample(conf, id)..' in the '..conf[4]..' section.'
local txCatExplain = frame:expandTemplate{ title = 'Category explanation', args = {'articles with '' identifiers.'..example..' Please do not add [[Wikipedia:Categorization#Subcategorization|subcategories]].'} }
local txCatMore = frame:expandTemplate{ title = 'Cat more', args = {'Wikipedia:Authority control', wdpl} }
local txEmptyCat = frame:expandTemplate{ title = 'Possibly empty category' }
local txWPCat = frame:expandTemplate{ title = 'Wikipedia category', args = { hidden = 'yes', tracking = 'yes' } }
local txTOC = whichTOC( frame )
local idCat = 'Pages with '' identifiers'
local wpCat = 'Articles with authority control information'
local outString = txCatExplain..txCatMore..txEmptyCat..txWPCat..txTOC..'\n'..
'Pages in this category should only be added by [[Module:Authority control]].'..
addCat(idCat)..addCat(wpCat, id)
return outString
return ''
--For use in [[Category:Articles with faulty authority control information]],
-- i.e. on [[Category:Articles with faulty VIAF identifiers]]
local function wpfaulty( frame, id )
for _, conf in pairs( ac_conf ) do
if conf.category == id or conf[1] == id then
local linktarget = or conf[1]..' (identifier)'
local wdpl = ':d:Property:P'..conf[2]
local txCatMore = frame:expandTemplate{ title = 'Cat more', args = {'Wikipedia:Authority control', linktarget, wdpl} }
local txEmptyCat = frame:expandTemplate{ title = 'Possibly empty category' }
local txWPCat = frame:expandTemplate{ title = 'Wikipedia category', args = { hidden = 'yes', tracking = 'yes' } }
local txDirtyCat = frame:expandTemplate{ title = 'Polluted category' }
local txTOC = whichTOC( frame )
local idCat = 'Pages with '' identifiers'
local wpfCat = 'Articles with faulty authority control information'
local outString = txCatMore..txEmptyCat..txWPCat..txDirtyCat..txTOC..'\n'..
'Pages in this category should only be added by [[Module:Authority control]].'..
addCat(idCat)..addCat(wpfCat, id)
return outString
return ''
--[[ Main/External Call ]]
function p.autoDetect( frame )
if currentTitle.namespace == 14 then --cat space
local pagesID = mw.ustring.match(title, 'Pages with ([%w%.%- ]+) identifiers')
local miscID = mw.ustring.match(title, 'Miscellaneous pages with ([%w%.%- ]+) identifiers')
local userID = mw.ustring.match(title, 'User pages with ([%w%.%- ]+) identifiers')
local wpfaultyID = mw.ustring.match(title, 'Articles with faulty ([%w%.%- ]+) identifiers')
local wpID = mw.ustring.match(title, 'Articles with ([%w%.%- ]+) identifiers')
if pagesID then return pages( frame, pagesID )
elseif miscID then return misc( frame, miscID )
elseif userID then return user( frame, userID )
elseif wpfaultyID then return wpfaulty( frame, wpfaultyID ) --must be before wpID check, in case they both match
elseif wpID then return wp( frame, wpID ) --to keep the regex simple
else return '[[Category:Pages with authority control identifiers unknown category]]'
return ''
return p