সমললৈ যাওক

সাঁচ:Better source

অসমীয়া ৱিকিপিডিয়াৰ পৰা
(সাঁচ:Better source neededৰ পৰা পুনঃনিৰ্দেশিত)

[ইয়াতকৈ ভাল উৎসৰ প্ৰয়োজন]

This template is used in articles to inline citations which are to insufficiently reliable sources. Placed after the source in question, it produces a superscripted notation like this:

To do this, place the template outside the ref tags, like this:
<ref>[...body of reference...]</ref>{{Better source}}

You can also include a |reason= note, which displays as a tooltip upon mouse hover, to describe the issue to interested readers and to leave a record for future editors. For example, the following usage might be appropriate to the arguable claim that "Most people believe in ghosts...":

{{Better source|reason=Citation is the Ghostbusters' company website, which may not be entirely objective.|date=February 2025}}

General template for copy-pasting:

{{Better source|date=February 2025}}

Adding this template to an article places the article into Category:All articles lacking reliable references or one of its dated subcategories, all part of a collection of categories identifying articles with reliable-sourcing issues. To find all such articles, see Category:Wikipedia articles with sourcing issues.

Contentious material about living persons that is unsourced or poorly sourced should be removed immediately. Do not tag it: remove it. For more information, see the section on contentious material in the Biography of Living Persons policy.

Material which is doubtful and harmful may be removed immediately, rather than tagged. See Wikipedia:Citing sources § Unsourced material.

If no citation is given, use the {{Citation needed}} tag instead. If the source given is self-published, use {{Self-published inline}}. If you think the author has a conflict of interest or is otherwise too close to the subject, use {{Third-party inline}}. If the source has been surpassed by a newer, reliable publications that no longer support the claim in the article, use {{Obsolete source}}.

If you have the time and ability to find a better reference, please do so. Then correct the citation yourself, or correct the article text. After all, the ultimate goal is not to merely identify problems, but to fix them.

This is the TemplateData documentation for the template used by the new VisualEditor.

Better source

This template is used in articles to identify sentences or short passages with information or analysis that has one or more inline citations but which are to insufficiently reliable sources. It produces the super-scripted text "better source needed".

সাঁচ পেৰামিটাৰ[সাঁচ-তথ্য পৰিচালনা কৰক]


A reason as to why, or for what content, a better citation is needed.

স্বয়ংক্ৰিয় মান
Month and yeardate

Provides the month and year of when the template was placed.

স্বয়ংক্ৰিয় মান